Call in for articles

by Mandrake Eriksen

N.E.T. is appealing to you to submit your very own articles to the technocratic archive!

Image by stilleben -
N.E.T. Technocracy Articles is an ongoing library of news and research articles printed in contemporary newspapers, research journals, scientific or engineering publications and official statistical resources (e.g. Eurostats). The articles are intended to reflect recent developments in research and organizational bodies that are relevant to N.E.T. enterprises and intellectual development, with a particular focus on developments in the areas of energy, climate change, economics, infrastructure, ecology, housing and engineering. The news archive serves as both a means of storing information and providing references to any N.E.T. members engaging in written work related to N.E.T.. In addition, the archive articles may be used as beginning points for forum discussions.

The archive is organized according to the months in which articles were posted. Posted articles will feature for a brief period on the homepage of N.E.T. followed by archiving. In addition to monthly archiving, the news archive is organized according to topics in order to allow easier access to material. Monthly editions are available in PDF or HTML format. Each article features an online link, a full reference and the reproduction of the article in simple text (with any accompanying graphical materials, e.g. figures and tables).

Anyone wishing to contribute news or research articles to the archive is welcome and encouraged to do so. Just complete the news archive submit form and the article should be posted within a week of submission.