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NET has the intention to address as many of the needs of its members as possible and thus motivate them, not only to contribute to the organisation, but to achieve personal growth and reach their goals. In order to do this, NET is going to use various methods to assure a healthy environment and also show its members what they can expect from being a part of the organisation, what it can provide them.


To manage a system effectively, you might focus on the interactions of the parts rather than their behaviour taken separately.

NET is also going to use its resources to create and organise places for social encounter and various activities. The website, forum, virtual meetings are just one aspect of this kind of endeavour since they represent the current geographic dispersion of members. Many other groups are expected to follow the example of Swedish members who have formed the foundations for local activities and have organised several events in the area of Umeå. It can be very often that the event itself is characterised not only with its main activity, but also with providing an interactive social environment in which issues relevant to NET can be discussed about.

Peer review

The part of social interaction which is specifically oriented towards examining as well as evaluating the work and contributions (especially intellectual) of those who actively participate is what peer review is all about. This kind of feedback serves to give orientation and guidance, enrich with new ideas and encourage further discussion about the issue. Suggestions for improvement make an essential part of this process. Appraisal, which is necessary to have in order to maintain a meritocratic organisational structure, also depends on the constructive feedback from others, especially the ones competent in the field that is being covered. Peer review can be quite useful for an individual since one can compare to the ideas of others and check on her/his own progress.


We could say that peer review, especially its positive aspect, is partially what recognition is made of. The minimum standard which NET is going to follow through is making clear who is the author of which piece and protect her/his rights with a Creative Commons license, a widespread alternative to the classic all-encompassing ''intellectual property'' copyright. NET also intends to publicise their member's articles on other journals, websites and link to them from other forums when appropriate. This gives everyone a chance to express themselves, receive feedback and appraisal for their work. Needless to say that recognition for the work on a project does not go to the leader of the project or specific individuals, but the group as a whole with due emphasize on every single participant and also those who contributed the most. This is, as already mentioned, important for advancement inside the organisation and a predisposition for upcoming tasks, roles and positions.


Since the whole concept of technocracy is profound in its nature and not something a person could fully understand after one day of exploring and talking about it, then it is reasonable to assume that those interested in technocracy have at least in some aspects a tendency to increase their knowledge and understanding of the world. A certain degree of open mindedness and critical evaluation is also required to approach an alternative social system such as technocracy. Having these things in mind, NET aims to provide to its members and users of NET's tools for social interaction (such as the webpage) a wide palette of resources intended for developing and upgrading specific field related or general knowledge. NET is not only going to link to other valuable resources in the sense of, e.g. weblinks and documents, but is also planning to provide its members remote access to article bases from various fields of study – natural as well as social and humanistic. Regarding local activity, NET is already organising study circles which could be strictly technocracy related (per session), but also cover specific subjects and attempt to develop the skills of those attending these workshops.


Building a strong identity is important to differentiate NET from other social groups, although this should not be mistaken for isolationism as NET intends to cooperate strongly with groups and organisations which have similar goals like NET. Making this organisation recognisable and specific in its own class is a process that has started since the founding and is crucial for communicating with the public, but also for effective cooperation within the organisation itself. Members are the one of the most important factors in this process as they decide and formulate what the organisation is going to become, where it is going. These are the reasons why NET members should share some common values and traits, but retain their individual difference since diversity is what makes NET strong, dynamic and adaptable. Values that characterise a certain group are developed throughout its lifetime and cannot be defined in advance, although some basics can be laid out, but stating anything further here regarding this matter would be subjective and is an issue that the community should conceptualise in the Code of Ethics. Some of the general traits that are expected for every NET member to develop are: critical thinking, open-mindedness, benevolence and empathy.